Online Registration

The Educators Academy

Address: Unit 202, 9715 James Potter Road, L6X3B9 Brampton ON
Tel: 905-654-4646 Email: Website:
BSID: 888750 Grade 9-12 Credit Courses  



 Canadian Citizen
 Health Card
 PR Card
  Driving License



I have provided the following supporting documents (PLEASE ENCIRCLE)
 Report Card
 Credit Summary

  • 1) I hereby declare that information given in this application form is to the best of my knowledge complete and correct
  • 2) If I am accepted as a student at Educators Academy, I hereby agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the School
  • 3) School shall under no circumstances be liable for any loss, damage or injury
  • 4) The Admission will not confirmed untill all the Pre-requsite are completed and full payment are recieved. Moreover, I hereb acknowmledge that I will not be granted a Credit without completing a minimum of 110 hours in class for each course taken.
  • 5) The Educators Academy may record, film, photograph, audiotape or videotape work of a student, your child’s photograph and performance to display, publish or distribute these Works for publishing, posting on the school website, posting in schools and/or posting on social media sites. The information collected may also be used for marketing purpose
  • 6) Parents/Guardians must call the school office well in advance if you are absent due to sickness or family emergency. If you know student will be absent from school due to scheduled appointments, inform the office 3 hours before the class time.


 Credit/Debit transfer


  • 1. Application/ Registration fee and other administrative charges are non-refundable and are included in the tuition fee. If a student with-draws after the registration 25% of the amount will be deducted from total course fee. Moreover, no tuition fee will be refunded after the commencement of the course.
  • 2. Every course needs to be finished in time and on schedule. If there are any excused absences, you need to make up for the missed work within the course schedule. You are only allowed to have maximum three excused absences during the course schedule.
  • 3. Your course cannot be extended beyond the course end date. If needed, student will have to pay $25 / day for each extended day. If student do unncecessary delay in the course , 3 verbal and written warnings will be given. After 3 written warnings, school will terminate the student from particular course and no refund will be given.
  • 4. School will send report card by registered mail. For urgent delievery postal charges will be applied.